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Good touch Vs bad touch . How to teach your children?

Good touch bad touch
Today times, child molestation and exploit are so very Frightening. Every other day we hear about a child being molested or touched unfitting.  Mostly, targets are very young children, between 5 to 8 years of age group they are too young and  innocent to understand the difference between good and bad because the abuser is normally someone known to them and their family. Its right time, we start teaching our children about “Good Touch and Bad Touch”.
Every other day, from media we hear about such cases where young girls even boys, are sexually abused by an someone around them. The problem is, they don't know that what is happening with them.
It is a delicate topic for parents to talk to their children,  parents must get out of their  uneasiness zone and educate their children about good touch and bad touch to keep them safe. Teach and understand them what is good touch and bad touch.
Good touch: makes a child feel secure, cared for and happy. It is a way to show care, love and help. For example a mother hugging a child  or papa gives you a goodnight kiss or a grandparent kissing you or hold your in their arms or a doctor examining you. Any touch that makes them happy or secure  of your child, is a good touch.
Bad touch: makes a child uncomfortable, afraid or nervous is a bad touch. Use some examples to explain them like, it is a bad touch if you feel hurt, if you do not want to be touched, if someone touches your private parts without a reason, if someone touches you and tells you not to tell anyone,  it’s a bad touch.
            Our duty is not done here we teach your children about good touch and bad touch and also what to do if ever face this odd situation like this- 
1.Give the swimsuit example and Explain to your child that the parts of his or her body that are covered by a swimsuit are extremely private. So, no one should ever touch him or her there. Only Mummy and Daddy can touch them there while bathing or cleaning them. 
Good touch bad touch
2.Teach your children that if someone touches your body that you do not like or that makes you uncomfortable , say NO. Even if  someone is trying to hug or kiss and they feel you uncomfortable or afraid, can say ‘No’.
3. Teach them to get away from that place as soon as you can. To stay away from that person in the future.
4. Immediately call for help, go to your parents or your teacher and tell them everything that happened. You teach them that it’s ok to confide in their parents or teachers or scream for help.
Good touch bad touch
           We all of us want our children to be safe and secure and we want to protect them. Our children come in contact with many  good and bad people every day. So, it becomes our responsibility to teach them to be ready to handle such odd situations if they are ever faced with one.
Look for the following signs-
Good touch bad touch
1. Is someone in vading your child’s privacy? Does that person come home only when the kid is around? He spending more time with kids than adults?
2. Is someone forcibly hugging or cuddling your child. He trying to get closer to child by buying them expensive gifts.
3. Is your child feeling uncomfortable being anywhere near someone?
           If you found suspect, leave your child from that environment or person immediately. Assure them that you will listen to them no matter what. Your child should be able to trust you and share anything with you.

